Request A Quote Venue Rental Quote Request A Quote Name of event What type of event is it? Persons speaking What organization are you with? (If any) Are you a member at Victory Church? Yes No What dates and time? How long to set up (decorate, etc.)? How long to tear down? How many people? Sound Do you need sound? How long? (including sound check) What sound requirements do you have? What instruments? How many microphones? Will you play tracks or an iPod? Media Will you need to use our media to play videos and/or power point slides? What type of presentation will you show? How long will the presentation be and when will it be played? Any special lighting required? (stage lighting, color lights on wall, spotlight) Will you have food or beverages at your event? (No food or drinks except water allowed in the sanctuary.) What facilities do you need to rent? Sanctuary Life Center Outdoor Fields Classrooms How many occurrences? Any special requests? Contact Name Contract Phone Contact Email Submit